Tickets will be mailed in late August for the 2024/25 Season.
Great question! Subscribers from Thu 11/28 will be reassigned to Thu 12/5 and Subscribers from Wed-Evening 11/27 will be reassigned to Tue 11/26. All 3-Wed-M Subscribers will be assigned to 11/27. That said, exchanges are always free for subscribers, and we’re happy to move you to a date that works for you.
In the past, not all of our shows ran for the same number of performances. Some ran 4 weeks, others 5, and some 6. This required significant rescheduling for our subscribers to this final week of performances and meant some subscribers didn’t keep their seats all year. This year, we’ve cut down the number of subscription series to ensure everyone has a consistent schedule and keeps the seats they’re assigned from the get-go. If you’d like to exchange to the 5th or 6th week of a longer run, our Box Office will be happy to make that exchange for you!
All of our subscribers can exchange any of their performances or seats without an exchange fee, as many times as they’d like. 6-Show Subscribers receive one Bring-A-Friend voucher per subscription.